#Cool Stuff

Oct 21, 2013
1:07 PM
Steve Says:

The Stanley Parable

A few months back, my wife and I were at a friend’s house and he insisted that he had a demo that I needed to play. It was a weird experience where you were a worker in an office and as you moved around, the narrator would communicate a story of what was happening. Go against the narration and it would fittingly change. It was an experience like no other game I’ve played.


When at PAX, Matt and I did a little bit of volunteering over at the Indie Megabooth. When I wasn’t standing around with a sign pointing to the Indie Minibooth, I was either galavanting around town fetching crates of water for the booth crew or suggesting to people in as polite a fashion as I could muster that they not congest the walking paths while stopping in awe at the amazefest before them. I did however, get a chance for an hour to man Davey Wredon’s “The Stanley Parable”‘s demo booth.


There really wasn’t much involved in that. People stood in awe watching as one individual would play the game. It was a great demo as it not only exhibited the spirit of the game quite well in my opinion, but it was tailored specifically for PAX. Everyone was pretty much appreciative of the demo while simultaneously unsure what they were watching. It held them captivated and almost universally the only things that people would say to me was “Wow! That looks awesome, when is it coming out?” also “Can I have one of those pins on the table?”.


Well, if you’re not aware of The Stanley Parable yet, the game was released just this past week on Steam, and if you’re cautious about throwing down money on something that everyone who has played it has such a time articulating to you what it is… a new demo’s available as well. Go try it.


While downloading the game, why not check out theĀ post-mortem that was published yesterday?