Allegro Digital is ready for action!
Hey there true believers! As you know, Matt and I decided to wrap things up with Sprixelsoft earlier this year. As things stand now, we’ve decided to amicably go our seperate ways. I’ve still got a keen interest in making ya’ll squeal with delight with a game of my own some day, so I thought I’d let you know that I’m cooking up something new. It’s still a way off at this point, but I’ve got a bun in the oven. I’m also trying to make a video game.
Anyways, I’ve decided that as Sprixelsoft was really a joined effort between myself and Matt… I’m going to move any development blogging over to my personal webspace. I know that there are some of you out there who follow Sprixelsoft on either Twitter, Facebook, or RSS that don’t necessarily follow me as an individual so here’s your chance to keep up with all the important info! If you’ve enjoyed following what we were up to last year why not continue to do so over at I just finished getting everything up and running over there, so while there may be some kinks to workout I’ve already got one new post up. If you’re following Sprixelsoft on Twitter, why not follow me? And finally, if you were following Sprixelsoft on Facebook… come be friends with me!
Thanks for everything!
Gaming Deals
I’m sure some of you have already caught that the latest Steam Sale is happening. I picked up some copies of Monaco for Matt and myself on the first day of the sale when it was 80% off, and since it was a four pack it didn’t take much effort to find two more people to give copies away to.
Designing Mandatory Co-Op Play in Left 4 Dead
There’s a great video from GDC 2009 that has found its way over to Gamasutra today about the game design choices that were made when developing Left 4 Dead. L4D is a game that I played quite a bit of back in 2009 and is really what got me back into PC gaming.
Nice Home Gaming Set-Up
I’m personally kind of excited for the world of VR. I remember trying out a hang glider simulator back around 1995 at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, and thought it was pretty cool at the time. And of course, growing up watching Star Trek, the holodeck seems pretty amazing.
Pushing the Limits Using Constraints
Dan Behrens aka Danimal Cannon is a musician that I’ve been familiar with for a rather long time due to his frequent participation in the Dwelling of Duel contests (something I never worked up the courage to participate in myself). I was catching up on recent gaming news today, and came across a recent talk that he did for for TedX where he discusses the benefits that working with new and limited tools has had on his development as an artist.
Game Glitches Are The Best
Like the writer over at Kotaku, I don’t even have anything more to say on the matter. Gamefront has some amazing video up on their YouTube Channel of glitches from WWE 2K14. As an aside, am I the only one slightly disturbed that people like WWF wrestler AndrĂ© (The Giant) Roussimoff appear in WWE games a two full decades after their death?
Jump Puzzles
I’ve been playing a lot of Guild Wars 2 lately. For those of you who haven’t played it, it’s an MMO. It’s actually the first MMO I’ve played. See, I’m a cheap one, and I have never been able to justify paying a monthly subscription fee to play a game. GW2 doesn’t have one of those though, so it’s A-O-K by me.
Play Games To Make You Smrtr
What’d ya’ll get up to for Halloween? Me? I went to the California Academy of Sciences where I learned my blood type, and got to see a human brain being dissected. Nothing says spooky like learnin’. Then I spent most of the weekend getting smarter. At least according to this study.
The Stanley Parable
A few months back, my wife and I were at a friend’s house and he insisted that he had a demo that I needed to play. It was a weird experience where you were a worker in an office and as you moved around, the narrator would communicate a story of what was happening. Go against the narration and it would fittingly change. It was an experience like no other game I’ve played.
Watch Dawgs
Ubisoft got their name in the press quite a bit in the past 24 hours. Starting yesterday when they announced that they would be postponing the release of the anticipated game Watch Dogs until “spring” (Quoted it because having lived in both hemispheres I think it’s silly to announce release dates by seasons) of 2014.