#Cool Stuff

Nov 27, 2013
11:12 PM
Steve Says:

Nice Home Gaming Set-Up

I’m personally kind of excited for the world of VR. I remember trying out a hang glider simulator back around 1995 at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, and thought it was pretty cool at the time. And of course, growing up watching Star Trek, the holodeck seems pretty amazing.


I had a chance to try the Oculus Rift at GDC earlier this year, and think it has some great potential. I’ve debated several times picking up a dev kit, but I know it’s just not worth it for me until we can finish the game(s) we have already started. I came across this video earlier today that I thought I’d pass along as it seems like it’s a pretty “cool” set-up for gaming. I’m curious how you’d ever be able to handle platform jumping with a system like this… there’s still lots of technical limitations… but I’d be entheusiastic to have this for myself.


Having some extra incentive to be on a treadmill would certainly be a good thing.



Cyberith is a project of students of Vienna University of Technology. I’m looking forward to seeing more stuff like this.