Castlevania Composer: Michiru Yamane
I came across a neat interview over on Gamasutra (which is a reprint from the October 2006 issue of Game Developer magazine). For those of you who haven’t played any of the Castlevania games, you’re defintely missing out. It’s one of my favourite series, not just because of the great game design and awesome artwork, but because it has some of the best music out there.
Chipzel’s New Album: Spectra
I’ve mentioned Chipzel (of Super Hexagon fame) before here on our blog. She’s a fantastic chiptune musician that does amazing work with a Game Boy. Her latest album, Spectra, was also released yesterday. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend that you head on over to her bandcamp page and buy the crap out of it with all of your dollars. Well… maybe not all of them. Save some for when we decide to sell our game. But you can give her a good portion of your dollars. Or Pounds… or Yen… or Rupees. Whatever it is in your pockets, basically.
Disasterpeace and the Game Music Bundle 5
I began playing Fez a little while ago. In fact, when I began my two posts last week regarding the concert series at PAX, my original intent was to start doing a review of the music of Fez. Rich Vreeland, aka Disasterpeace has some amazing sounds that he put into that beautiful little indie game, and you need to hear them.
The Music of PAX Part II
In my ultimate quest to have the most fun at PAX that I can, I continue to research the bands that will be playing the concert series each night! I love me some good video game and video game inspired music, so I’m eager to check out the tunes of people who I’m honestly not too familiar with. I looked at the bands that will be playing the Friday night concert last blog post (Bit Brigade, Mega Ran, and The Protomen) and now let’s take a look at Saturday and Sunday’s line-up!
Getting Ready For PAX – Listening to Music
So PAX DEV and PRIME are going to be happening a short 16 days away! Wow… I somehow had myself convinced that it was even further away than that. Guess I better start getting ready!
Space Cruise Chords
Ever play that maddingly addictive indie game called FTL? Not to sound like a shill or anything, but with it on sale right now through both Amazon and Steam, you don’t have much excuse for missing it. It’s a deceptively tough game with a great sounding score. Ben Prunty, composer of the FTL Soundtrack has recently discussed his process on his personal blog.
Balance and Ruin
Balance and Ruin is a free, five disc album (74 tracks) of fan made music in tribute to Square(-Enix)’s masterpiece Final Fantasy VI. It was released last week, on Canada Day, but clearly I couldn’t bring that to your attention until after I let you calm down from the cover of O Canada that I crafted from the fabric of space-time. Time, more so than space.
O Canada
July 1st is Canada Day! What better way to kick off this radical day than with some 8-bit awesomeness delivered straight to your ears via the futuristic power of the NES? That’s right kiddies, strap yourself in. We’re about to take you on a journey from far and wide to our home and native land.
The Internet is Neat. So is Zelda Music.
I grew up with the occasional subscription to magazines such as Game Pro, Game Players, and Nintendo Power. None of those are in print anymore… and as much as I’m nostalgic for the world of print… I’m also happy that I’m able to get information much more easily and spontaneously this millennium.
Some Great Tunes
While looking around for some cool stuff to rave about today, I came across the fact that on May 28th, it will be the 20th anniversary of the Super Mario Bros Movie. So there’s that… uh… influential part of my childhood… but… uh… I don’t think there’s much to say about that. Pretty much the only cool thing about that was the product placement and the Joe Satriani inclusion in the soundtrack.