Hi there, I’m Sprixelsoft
Ever get so caught up in tasks that you do something pretty big, and then immediately sigh a breath of relief that it’s done with and then just move onto the next item on your to-do list? Well that happened to us here last month, and it’s high time we pause for a moment to reflect back, because it just wouldn’t be right to continue neglecting what was a pretty big milestone for us!
On 12 February 2011, Steve got the following Facebook message from Matt:
lets make a game. you have no choice. you have to write the music. then ill put it on my site and we’ll be totally awesome. im throwing ideas around right now and trying to think of something that will be really awesome. this shit is fun.
Looking back, this was in the same message where Matt let Steve know that he was getting married. Makes a little bit of sense that the idea of working on a game got ignored at the moment, and so it wasn’t until 20 December, when we both happened to be living in Vancouver that we actually met up and started talking about this stuff for realsies. February 2012 we started keeping track of our ideas for our first game, a Tactical RPG in a Google Document… which by May was growing so big that we decided to port it all over to a wiki system. We started looking at founder’s agreements and such and came to a basic understanding with each other of what we’d like to accomplish in the future, and how we’d like to go about making it happen.
In early June 2012 we came up the name Sprixelsoft, and then got a domain and made the wiki happen. Through the rest of the summer we worked pretty hard at fleshing out the world and story of our RPG and by September we realized that this was just too epic of a project to do by ourselves. Unable to pay other people to work on the game, and unwilling to get free labour, we made the decision to start working on a second project instead that we could develop our workflow on and get out the door in a more reasonable amount of time.
Steve took an online business course through University of Waterloo to get a better sense of what needed to be done in the world outside of art generation, and Matt and him spent a long time reading books like Canadian Businesses for Dummies before they were able to level up.
Once 2013 started, we knew we had to start cracking down on the actual development of our game, and got out of concept stage and into production on Super Hematoma. That’s where a lot of our time has gone. As you know Matt’s making the engine from scratch, and Steve has been dealing with music and graphics. So in May, after we reached our first milestone of having a playable prototype, we switched gears a little and got back into business mode.
We bit the bullet and incorporated. Now, while familiarizing ourselves with our legal options, making sure we understood the BC Business Corporations Act, coming to an agreement that we felt would work, filing the paperwork, and opening a business bank account took a heap of effort; we’re generally on the same page with each other and were able to sort it all out with very little stress.
So there you have it! Sprixelsoft Sudio Limited is an official entity!
Past News Posts:
03/04/14 - Dissolution of Sprixelsoft Studio Limited
04/10/13 - Super Hematoma’s First Year Retrospective
06/09/13 - We’ve Started A Mailing List
28/06/13 - Hi there, I’m Sprixelsoft
02/05/13 - IndieDB and YWB
01/04/13 - Zombies Are South!™
10/03/13 - Happenings at Sprixelsoft
02/02/13 - Site Launch